The KC Grooming Academy was founded on the belief that pets deserve gentle, safe and knowledgeable care from well-trained groomers.
Our grooming program is an exclusive learning experience, focused on equipping students with the tools and information they need to not just succeed but to excel.
Starting from the basics, to advanced techniques, individuals will experience one-on-one training from the only certified grooming academy in Kansas.
We are dedicated to bringing out the full potential in each student in an effort to produce the best groomers in Kansas City and beyond.
We are also devoted to making pet safety and care a priority for our students and clients who entrust their pets to our care. That's why we offer Pet CPR & First Aid as part of our curriculum as well as additional classes at our facility on a monthly basis for pet professionals and pet parents.
Level 1
Fundamentals of bathing & brushing (80 hrs)
-Introduction to grooming equipment/bathing tools
-Correct Bathing & brushing techniques
-Identifying basic skin conditions & treatments
-Safety & handling procedures
-Canine Anatomy
-Science & care of skin & coat
-Dog behavior skills
-Grooming ergonomics
-Pet Nutrition
Objective: Attain profession bather & brusher status

Level 2
Beginner Grooming
(88 hrs)
-Safety in clippering & scissoring
-Dog handling procedures for clippering
-Geometric shapes in grooming
-Trimming of the feet, face & sanitary areas
-Outline trim
-Pet first aid & CPR
-Salon best practices
Objective: Perform the basic “neaten all-over” trim

Level 3
Intermediate Grooming
(136 hrs)
-Introduction to basic haircuts
-Identify body blades, comb attachments & scissors
-Clipper technique & safety
-Whole body haircut
-Haircut assessment
-Customer service
Objective: Complete a basic short style clip

We offer Two Professional Certifications:
Professional Bather Brusher Certification
Professional Complete Groomer Certification

Clients DIY Groom
Customers Learn to Groom Their Own Pet (4 hours)
-Safety procedures & considerations
-Proper equipment & use
-Handling of pet during groom
-Pet specific grooming instructions
Objective: Client will learn the proper technique & procedure to safely and skillfully groom their pet at home.

Kansas City Grooming Academy is the only board certified hands-on school in the Kansas City area where you can learn the art and skill of grooming.
Students will receive one-on-one instruction, and hands-on training for professional dog groomers, gaining the experience and training they need to be an exceptional, sought after groomer.
The grooming industry is booming and KC Grooming Academy is the perfect place to give you the edge you need to excel in your career!